Friday, May 25, 2007

Rabbit Soduku!

Click on picture to go into Bjerner's website and click on Rabbit Soduku.

Unexpected Gifts (or should it be "Friends"?)

Photos by German photograhper Tanja Askani

Click on picture to see the heartwarming video.

White Rabbit brand

Remember the White Rabbit brand? Those sweets that we used to buy from the old uncle at the provision shop downstairs? These toys can be found at the Museum of Shanghai Toys. Find out more (click on picture).

This photo was found in the (see their widget below). They're a bunch of heritage enthusiasts who'd unearth treasure troves of stories and memories about heritage and museums in Singapore. Interesting.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Fortune Telling Bunnies

Poor bunny! Is this considered ill treatment of labour?

The poor bunny couldn't even get paid. I suspect it doesn't get any treats for what it does for a living.

Anyway, this happens in Istanbul where bunnies are used for fortune telling. Here's a related article/short story from Kevin Dolgin, ranting on his encounter of the Fortune Telling Bunny in Instanbul.

My regards to you, little brown bunny.

Advice Bunny

I found this interesting site, manned literally by a bunny. Enter a Yes or No question and the mysterious bunny will reply you! Try it (click on picture). :)

Always Look On the Bright Side of Life

Not bunny related, just sharing a picture which my former colleague sent to me many years ago. The caption is abit small in the picture. It simply say - Always Look on the Bright Side of Life.

It still brings a smile to my face whenever I see this. and the song will float in my head.

Yes, always look on the bright side of life, no matter how hard it is!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Its 23 May 2007! [This one is for all rabbits in Singapore]

Yes, this is 23 May 2007.

The day we decided to embark on this blog to tell the whole world more about bunnies; to add on to the already large myriad of websites and blogs on bunnies. However, I'm sure this is something slightly different - this is specially for bunny owners in Singapore; this is dedicated to discovering daily tips & tricks for living with house rabbits in Singapore.

I think rabbits are a highly misunderstood lot here in Singapore. Many perceive them as smelly, boring and can only live in cages. Others abandon them in reservoirs and parks, thinking that they would find "happiness" out there in the wild. Not knowing that they are in fact sentencing these rabbits a death parole by doing so.

Rabbits can be such bundles of joy if you take some time to understand them and know their natural habits. By knowing how to live with indoors rabbits, they can bring you much joy and fun. Many abandon these furry friends because they do not understand what rabbit needs and hence end up having the house in a mess. This is a very sad thing.

So this is what this blog is about - sharing my trial and error moments and how to find solutions to headache problems with my house rabbits. Let us learn more about bunnies and their REAL needs and how to take care of them in the Singapore context.

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